Friday, June 25, 2010

If you're looking for a good series to read....

Hello fellow Bloggers or Blog readers,

I know it has been awhile since my last post, but honestly I've been really busy, what with finals and the summer semester and such. But I'm about to find quite a bit more time on my hands because I'm not taking another semester at school until September and I'm about to start my job as a live-in nanny on Monday. I am sure that I will be finding a lot more time to write and more interesting subjects to talk about.

Right now I want to talk about is the most amazing author that I have found in the last year or so. She has been around and writing for a long while now, but I only just discovered her in the last year or so. Sherrilyn Kenyon is simply amazing! I have read practically all of her Dark-Hunter and Dream-Hunter novels and I have to say that I was sucked right into the world have have yet to emerge!

Don't take this the wrong way, because I mean all of her novels are amazing and all of the characters seem so real and make you want to continue reading and learning about their world. But my personal favourites have to be Zarek of Moesia, and Wren Tigarian.

Zarek is seen throughout several of the novels, but main story is found in Dance with the Devil. It has been awhile since I have read it, but I remember practically everything about this amazing story and gorgeous, stunning, misunderstood, angel with devil horns and fangs character. Zarek quickly became my favourite character with his "don't mess with me" and "it's me against the world" attitudes. I don't really understand the attraction but there is certainly something about a man who can be so tender and loving one moment and so blood thirsty and violent the next. Like all the other Dark-Hunters, Zarek will rather die than see anyone hurt; well okay Zarek would rather die than see his wife and family die, but that just makes him more sexy :D

Wren is also seen throughout several of the novels, mostly in the Bear Clan's Sanctuary Bar as the misunderstood and extremely private mute in need of protection whose only friend is a monkey named Marvin. But his main story is found within Unleash the Night. I have to admit that I never really paid attention to Wren in the earlier novels. He was there, but was never really important and never really stood out. But I believe that that was what Kenyon meant to do because that is exactly who Wren is. He doesn't like to stand out from the crowd or be the center of attention. Like Zarek, he just wants to be left alone to take care of himself and live out his life in peace and quiet. Of course, as in any romance novel, that all ends when he meets the love of his life. Even though Wren isn't a Dark-Hunter, he is actually a Were Snow Leopard and Tiger mix. I don't want to ruin the novel but OMG his past is scary and it is no wonder why he hid behind his long blond dreads and monkey friend for so long.

Kenyon is simply amazing! Her novels are fantastic and I am so incredibly psyched to read more. Right now I'm starting to read book #14 Devil May Cry But I own, thanks to a lot of spending help from my Aunt, all the rest of the books that are out, so the last one that I own is Bad Moon Rising about Fang and Aimee. My aunt already read it and said that it was incredible and that she couldn't put it down! I'm really excited to get to the end because my pile of books to read is humongous and I have a tiny problem where I buy books faster than I can read them :S

If I could ask or say anything to Mrs Sherrilyn Kenyon about her novels would be to ask if hunky Were-Hunter Fury Kattalakis and smexy Pirate Dark-Hunter Jean-Luc Tessier are going to have their own novels or not? I mean I noticed while reading that she sets up a novel plot for Fury within many of the novels where he is featured, so hopefully a Fury book is in the making. And Honestly, I have to go back and check, but I can't remember if Jean-Luc is killed off or not in the last book where he was featured..... I really hope that he wasn't because I love the idea of a pirate Dark-Hunter!

So the whole point of this completely scattered blog entry, was to suggest that if any of you want to read a really good paranormal romance series, I suggest that you look at both the Dark-Hunter and Dream-Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I can guarantee that you will not be able to put the books down and will instantly fall in love with several if not all of the characters!

Peace and Love