Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Going from Completely Pissed to Confusing Bliss in under 2.4 seconds

Oh boi Blogger-verse, this past weekend has been one hell of a trip!

So first off, I spent the weekend at my Mother's house to help try out different icing and cake recipes for my younger sister's upcoming engagement party. That went all great and hunky dory. But O.M.G. the Hockey Charity game that I mentioned last time, was a complete and utter bust! D:

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed myself. The game was pretty good, I especially loved when the little kids came out and played against the old timer's. They are just so adorable! They even received a replica Stanley cup trophy. And all the money/proceeds went to the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation, so that was incredibly fantastic. But Holy guac! I wish that I would have reconsidered who I brought with me to the game! I mean I adore my sister and her fiance (he actually got to go into the locker room and meet the players because he won a raffle, and got a ton of signatures too, He was so incredibly ecstatic about it! Like a kid in a candy store lol) But yeah, so my friend that I brought with my extra ticket, spent the ENTIRE 2 hours complaining and when he wasn't complaining he was watching the Habs game on his phone or texting some other girl about how utterly bored he was. I mean for Frig sake, you'd figure that if you go out somewhere with someone that you'd at least pay attention regardless of whether or not you're actually enjoying yourself. O.M.G. I was sooooooo mad!!!!!!! and still am apparently lol

So that is my "Completely Pissed" phase of my weekend, but at least a moment of clarity came out of it all. I've realized that even though he is my friend, and he was incredibly supportive and there for me when my great grandmother died at the beginning of the month, he was just toying with my emotions. Treating me like a yo-yo and something that didn't matter. Well I'm frigging tired of it! I'm not a toy that can be played around with! You can't just toss me aside one minute and then turn around like nothing ever happened! I am a human being with emotions and feelings, even though I'm tough as nails and a freaking hellcat when I need to be, I still cry and bleed and all that jazz. And realizing that this guy was not who I thought he was, well that hurt more than words can ever express, try as I might lol. I have painfully decided that I do not need him in my life anymore than just as a friend. If he ever wants to apologize for being a complete and utter ass I might just listen to him, but until that happens I'm sticking to my guns and cutting the ties.

Now onto my "Confusing Bliss" phase of the weekend.

So I've been texting a friend back and forth non-stop (well relatively non-stop) since Thursday afternoon. He is actually my future brother-in-law's best friend. And we've been talking about everything! and I truly mean everything. At first it started just about music and how much we totally don't understand why my sister and her fiance are getting married so fast. But I mean that was only Thursday. By Friday, we were talking about everything under the sun! Holy Cow! During the day Saturday, he had to go into work to do some overtime, so we were texting back and forth and we were talking about what we each had planned to do with the rest of our weekend etc. So I explained to him about the Hockey game which lead to a discussion about who I was going with and how much I was like tots in like with him. He wished me luck, despite the fact that he thinks the guy is totally not worth it, but I mean he was just being a supportive and good friend. So when I woke up on Sunday I had a text, asking about how the night before went, and I explained about how upset I was and all that jazz. And he was really sweet and supportive and saying all the right words. It was tres cute! He messaged me that the guy is an idiot and that I'm an awesome person and deserve so much better than a complete jerk. He also said that I should just forget him. Which I totally am going to do, or have done. Geez I think this is the first time I've thought about him since Sunday. Yay me!

Now the real problem is this other guy. Mostly because he also said something that amounted to the fact that if he wasn't in the situation he is in, that something could happen. Nothing specific and I don't want to break up or cause any problems for him and his gf especially since they are already having a hard time. Even more so because he is kinda acting like a surrogate father to her 4 year old son. I really don't want to cause anything bad to happen because I know what it is like to be in the kid's shoes and I'd hate to cause that kind of turmoil for someone so young. So right now it is merely friendship, regardless of what everyone else thinks. (including my bitch of a sister)

So that was Sunday. I ended up staying at my mom's again because I was working on a paper and really didn't have the energy or time to pack up all my stuff and come back home, so Mom and I decided that I'd just spend the night again, go to school in the morning and then just get my stuff after my class was done. Oh boy did that plan turn out bad! Well before I left for my class on Monday, all hell broke loss between my mom and her live-in/sleep-in ex. (don't worry, I don't understand it either) Anyway she found out that he's been having his cake and eating it too, if you catch my drift. Anyway so Mom went psycho witch crazy and started throwing the biggest tantrum I've ever seen a 45 year old woman EVER pull! It was crazy!!! Her best friend and I calmed her down enough so that I could go to school and when I called her cell about 2 hours later, I didn't get an answer. So I called the house phone, and eventually got my brother on the line. He sounded like he was scared out of his mind, and my brother only gets scared by one thing and that's his parents fighting. So I start to panic and trying to figure out ways to get to my brother faster, and I couldn't think! I totally believed that something bad was going to happen before I got there. So guess what? I'd been texting my friend, of course, and I started to tell him that I was worried about my brother, I didn't know what was happening and all that jazz. I didn't want him to go with me, but just to listen and help calm me down before I walked into the house and ended up killing someone. I was so terrified that my mom or brother was going to get hurt with me unable to protect them. Well. did I ever get him to start panicking for me. Holy geez, I have never met anyone in my life that cares so much about his friends. He was willing to drop everything to go with me to my mom's. I managed to get him to stay put though, but his concern was really really sweet! I explained how I was my sibling's first and last line of defense. how it's always been me against the world protecting them and making sure nothing bad ever came their way. Okay, even I know I'm not perfect, but I'm tough as nails and can take all the shit that is thrown at me and still fight back. I protect them and that's the way it is. He was worried about me. Can you believe that? He was actually concerned about ME! He understands that I'm a strong person but doesn't agree with the fact that I have to stand against the world alone. He constantly reassured me that I wasn't alone and that he would rush over if I needed him, and he even said it again this morning too. I explained that I'm tougher than I look, can hold my own, and that I don't need anyone to save or protect me. To which he replied that, while he completely understands that, he just wants to make sure that I don't have to do it alone. That I have friends like him to help when I need it. :)

UGH! Why am I only meeting him now?!?!?! Like come on! why couldn't we have met a long time before now???? uggg!!!!!! This is what is so confusing! because I actually think that I'm falling for his charm, when I have no right to do so. UGH!!!!!! and GRRRR!!!!

Today he mentioned how he was tired and was craving some chicken wings and a nap. Well, having only received 4 hours of sleep the night before told him that it wasn't fair that he could go for chicken wings and a nap when I wanted the same thing. Well apparently, he has never met a girl who eats chicken wings before. o.O What kind of people does he hang around with? I mean honestly!?!?! he said that the girls he knows think that they're too messy. my reply was, of course, "That's why god invented napkins!" and his answer. well it still baffles me, if I'm being honest. Because what does he go and say? "lol I think I love you don't tell no one"   


What the Truck am I supposed to make of that???? The only thing I could think of to say was, "lol Sure you do. but alright, I won't tell no one"


First of all, What is with my grammar??!!? Thank god it was just a text because "I won't tell no one" isn't even proper English. It's just terrible and I am incredibly embarrassed to actually admit that I wrote that. :s

But yeah, What was that all about? I am like utterly confused but incredibly happy at the same time. Is that wrong? I feel like it should be wrong. We text like all day, from when we wake up to when we go to bed. the last few days he's been concerned about my essay writing and problem with procrastination, as well as being completely ready and willing to "running to the rescue" if the kids or I needed anything. I even had a dream last time, when I actually slept, it was in the future a bit and apparently I had gotten beaten to a pulp by a boyfriend or something. I was living somewhere else. And who do I call? Not my parents or the police. I call him and he drops everything to save me.

Mom thinks that I'm just rebounding my affections for this last guy off onto him. especially since he's unavailable so at least I won't get hurt that way. But I mean it's not like I want anything to happen between the two of us. Right now he's being a really good friend and being really sweet. And yet it's all making me really confused too. :(

Oh well. So yeah, that was the last few days in one very large nutshell lol

I'm off to finally start my archaeology final paper that's due on Thursday. Procrastination ftw lol

Oh and if you can help with anything that I've talked about, besides my paper lol, I would really appreciate some other opinions.!

Night All!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

ABC's of Moi

Oh my, I am truly horrible at keeping this blog updated. Sorry about that, but I've been terribly busy and when I wasn't busy I actually didn't have my laptop (lent it to Mom because her computer died) so no internet for me. So to make up for all the time missed blogging, I am going to follow suit with what seems to be a big trend right now and educate you readers on the ABC's of Moi :)


Age: I'm 23, but will turn 24 later this spring

Bed Size: I'm actually quite proud to admit that I have an awesome Queen size bed, with an awesome headboard that actually doubles as a bookshelf (YAY!)

Chore You dislike: Vacuuming. Ugh, I just hate it so much! not only does it make a tremendous amount of noise for no reason, but you have to move ALL your furniture to make sure you clean every inch of the room, plus you have to attach the different thingies for every different area that you clean. (carpet, wood, drapes, furniture etc)

Dogs: I love small dogs. Don't get me wrong, big dogs are cool too but I've always adored dogs that can get under your feet and drive people insane with their hyper and explosive personalities! I used to have a Long Haired Dachshund and would LOVE to get another one, but ultimately I want to have a Cairn Terrier (to be named Toto of course) and a Yorkshire Terrier (just because)

Essential Start to Your Day: Good, Loud Music. Doesn't matter which song or band, Top 40 is totally cool with me. And about an hour after waking up, I need a good strong Medium or Large Tim Horton's Double Double. (a cup of the Tim's home brew is good too.) I have no idea why, but if I drink coffee before that hour is finished I just end up sick. It just boggles my mind

Favourite Colour: Pink! um Purple and Green also are incredibly awesome. (my room and bathroom are actually a mix of different greens, while my bedding tends mostly be lavender and violet) But Pink is by far my favourite ever since I was a little girl. I don't even remember when I started liking it in the first place, I just know that I adore it! But for clothing, I where mostly blacks and/or purples.

Gold or Silver: I'm not picky really. I adore the bright yellow Gold, but there is just something about Silver that I cannot ignore. It just seems so much more casual and everyday. I actually wear a silver chain with a Starfish pendant on it everyday. Gold is much more special and I tend to reserve it for special occasions only.

Height: Short lol umm No actually the last time I checked I was 5'4 but I might be a bit taller. All I know is that I am the shortest in my household, my Mother is the only one in my immediate family shorter than I am and my 15 year old brother towers over me :(

Instruments you play: I used to play the Violin and could probably still play some tunes on it, but I was never any good and got discouraged fast. I actually haven't picked it up since I graduated high school :s

Job Title: Sadly, unlike my uber awesome friend, Athena, I am not a secret superhero that saves the city of Montreal from evil sea creatures in the wee hours of the morning. :(
I am merely a time traveling alien who is flitting through earth's time line in search of friendship, love, and endless adventure! ;-)

Nope, just kidding. I'm a University student, only months away from completing my BA! Then it's off to be a beneficial part of the work force, hopefully in publishing or editing.

Kids: Are awesome! In a perfect world I would love to have 4 (3 girls and 1 boy) but I'm not picky. I just want to be able to have as many as I can financially support who are all happy, healthy, and well loved! :) But I've already come up with some name ideas hehe Girls: Riley Ann and Brianna (Bree for short)  Boy: Bryan James,

Live: in a House :-)

Mum's Name: Momma :-P

Nickname:  Rae, and my little cousin calls me George (haha He watches too much Bugs Bunny cartoons. The Abdominal Snowman creature always grabs Bugs and says "Oh my, Just want I always wanted My own little Bunny Rabbit. I'm going to hug him, and squeeze him and call him George" haha So he does the exact same thing to me whenever he sees me)

Overnight Hospital Stay: oh boy! So many! well okay, only two and the first one doesn't count because I was a new born. But yeah, apparently I had to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks after I was born in intensive care because I was so sick due to being 2 weeks late as well as taking too long in the birth canal. (Mom left after 1 week and had to come back to the hospital everyday to feed and learn to take care of me)
The next time I had to stay overnight at the hospital was a few years ago, umm Xmas 2008 I believe. It was for the LONGEST 4 days of my LIFE!!!!! I was completely sick for a whole two weeks before I went in, but the last few days before I finally gave up and went into the hospital were brutal, I moved from my bed to the couch and back again. Didn't eat anything at all, only drank flat 7up or water, and was basically living off of cough drops and extra strength advil. Mom rushed me to the hospital on Dec 22nd because I was barely breathing, and within 20 minutes of getting into the hospital I was placed in intensive care where I laid, hooked up to an IV for 2 nights and on the 24th around lunch time they moved me up to a room with 2 old dying women. (ugggo) I begged and pleaded with the doctor when I finally saw her at lunch time on the 25th to let me go home. And she did :)

Pet Peeves: slow walkers, idiots who think they know everything and always have to be right but in reality they are just plain dumb as a post, and intelligence being wasted

Quote from a Movie: "I'll get you my pretty! And you're little dog too!" Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz (My absolute favourite movie of ALL TIME! )

Siblings:  2 younger sisters and a younger brother

Time you Wake Up: when my alarm goes off or when Dad stomps on my ceiling lol. No actually, during the week it's usually around 8:45 but I lolly-gag until 9:30/10. On weekends it usually anywhere between 9 and 11. depending on what I have to do that day

Underwear: Comfy

Vegetables you don't like: Asparagus and Peas. Ohhh or anything boiled until it's mush (bleck!)

What Makes you Run Late: power outages that kill my alarm, or I can't find my keys or clothes to wear

X-Rays you've had: both arms (broke them both when I was little. at different times though 6 months apart.) my ankle/foot area a few years ago because I had a really bad sprain. My Left knee in winter 2003 (torn my meniscus and dislocated my knee). Brain x-rays a whole bunch of times in high school (kept passing out for no apparent reason, turns out I needed more iron in my diet to help the blood circulation) and I think that's all. Oh except my teeth and head Xrays at the dentist and ortho surgeon (I was supposed to get major corrective dental/ortho surgery when I was 18 but I didn't want them to break apart my face in like 8 different places so I didn't go through with it)

Yummy Food You make: .Cakes, Muffins, Cupcakes, Cookies. hehe I mostly Bake. But I also make a killer Meatloaf as well as an awesome Mexican Taco Rice meal :)

Zoo animal favourites: Dolphins! they are my favourite animal BY FAR!!! But I also Love the hippos, polar Bears, Penguins and Orangutans (lol they remind me of my Sister lol. Big Red haired monkeys lol)

 This concludes the ABC's of Moi! I hope you have learned a few things about me, I know I have!

OMG before I forget, tomorrow (eekkkk!) I'm going to the Old Timers' Hockey Challenge for Charity Game at the Verdun Auditorium! I usually don't like hockey, but this is for a good cause, all the proceeds go to the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation. Not only is there a game, but there is also a silent auction. I never bid on anything, seeing as how I am a no income kind of student, but I just love seeing what is there and what people are bidding on etc. I also love the history and company of the games. I've been going since I was a little girl. My dad's been donating to the Hospital and getting these tickets every year since I was born and we used to go every year. It'd be him, my Grampy, Manda and I that would go and we would have a blast! The last couple of years it's only been Manda, her fiancee and me that have been going (we still pay for four tickets though because it's for a great cause!) This year, to repay my friend for taking me to my first actual NHL game (Leafs VS Habs at the Bell Center on Feb. 24th) I'm taking him with us to the game (yes, it's the guy I'm hardcore in like with) I also am completely aware of the fact that the two games to do equate in value, But I mean come on! the guy is a major hockey fanatic and I am a major him fanatic so it's a win win! :-P [except for Manda but I'm just going to ignore the resentment and anger that will be wafting off of her all night and concentrate on the game and my bliss]

I wish overflowing buckets of Peace, Love and Happiness to you all!