Tuesday, November 19, 2013

There is a special place in hell for people who attack innocent children.

So yes, it's been 2 years since I last wrote anything online, and I am trying to fix that. I actually have been writing into a notebook (with a pen and everything. How archaic! I know but I enjoy it) every thought and feeling I've been having for the past year or so. I am considering post dating all my entries onto here but I am still unsure.
The main reason for this post is because I need to say something about a few things that really upset me this evening that I just could not keep quiet on but do not feel needs to be posted on say Facebook or Twitter.
First off, I heard about a devasting incident that happened right here in the city I love. A man apparently dragged a woman and a child in a stroller with his car. Now I couldn't read the whole news piece because of other matters that came up but I am shocked. In the last couple of days the increase of vehicles running over or dragging people in and around the city has been deplorable. Especially when several of these incidents are hit and runs. But when a child is involved? An innocent child! How can someone be so cruel? I really hope something is done to stop this and that the people involved are caught and sent to jail. As for those people and children hurt by these callous or careless crimes, I hope they are alright.
Secondly, I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion and is free to express that opinion in whatever format they feel like and to who ever they want to express it to. BUT I DO NOT understand or agree with attacking innocent children over the internet because you do not like their parents or agree with their parenting styles or choices. I believe there is a special spot in hell for people like you, and wish you much happiness there.
I cannot believe I once counted this person as a friend. I have not spoken to them in several years and never felt bad or regretted the friendship fading away because people grow apart. I honestly believed the powers that be brought us together to learn from each other and move on. But now that I think about it the only positive that came from that friendship was that I met the man who I have come to call my boyfriend and love of my life, my sister met and fell in love with her husband and they had my gorgeous nephew. Other than that she was nothing but trouble.
This latest incident is deplorable though. She all but names my nephew in a harsh and hurtful message, calling him names, saying he is doomed and should have never been born because he will never amount to anything because his parents and family are a bunch of redneck idiots. Saying that my sister, who is proud and loves my 8 month old nephew, should stop posting on pictures and videos documenting his life because he's not something to be proud of.
Well excuse me, but who made you the queen of Facebook?
I have a lot of friends who post about their children, (flesh and blood or the quadruped variety) because they are proud and love them, and want to share that with others. That is what the internet is about nowadays. Do I agree with this obsession to post every little thing? No. But I also don't make comments about someone else's happiness. I am happy that my friends are living fulfilling lives and are willing to share a bit of their happiness with others. And I don't think it is my place or business, or anyone else's for that matter, to tell them to stop posting or how to be a parent. I believe that if you do not have something nice to say don't say it. I also believe that if you do not like what a person posts on Facebook that you should unfriend that person and keep your comments to yourself.
As for me, I have unfriended that person and expressed my thoughts and feelings here. I don't know if that is hateful or harsh but it makes me feel better because I know I am not hurting anyone. Just expressing my intense hatred for people who attack innocent children for no other reason than they are unhappy people with no family of their own.
It's you who people should feel sorry for, not my nephew because he at least is surrounded by a large number family and friends who love him and will help him become a much better person than you are.

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